Mindset & Money Mastery for Photographers with Karinda K.

49. Escaping the Loneliness of Business: The Power of Personal Connections and Community

Karinda K. Season 2 Episode 49

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In the upcoming podcast, we explore a common yet rarely discussed topic: the isolation and loneliness often experienced by business owners.

Dive into the journey of feeling alone in your business, a relatable and difficult aspect that many entrepreneurs face. We shed light on the challenges, the lack of understanding from friends and family, and the difficulty of finding support.

Tune in as we discuss the struggles, the doubts, and the need for those around us to truly understand our entrepreneurial path.

Don't miss this candid conversation, where we share personal experiences and provide guidance on navigating loneliness in the business world.

Join Your Magic Year here.
Use the code PODCAST to receive special pricing when you enroll. 

Join Your Magic Year here.
Use the code PODCAST to receive special pricing when you enroll. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Mindset and Money Mastery for Photographers the podcast. We help overwhelmed photographers make more money while simplifying their business by mastering their you guessed it mindset and money. Tune in each week for practical and actionable tips to take your photography business up a notch. Let's dive right in.

Speaker 2:

This episode is incredibly timely, since we just launched your magic year. If you haven't heard about your magic year, your magic year is a year-long program where I help you find magic in your business by sharing a training every month that's going to help you uncover and find the magic in your business and inside of you, and also by sending you on Quest. But the other piece of your magic year is community Community. Let's think about that. What is the importance of community in your business? And do you have it? Because that is so, so important.

Speaker 2:

Do you ever feel lonely in your business? Being a business owner can be incredibly lonely. You might feel like you're the only person in your family, your friend circle or your community that understands what it's like to run a business, because you don't have anyone else around you that is actually running a business. People look at you and they say things like yeah, that must be nice. You're just sitting around taking photos every day. You know they don't see that you're spending hours and hours behind the computer, or the sleepless nights that you're staying up editing. I remember those days. They were not fun. I wish I could get those days back and go to bed with my husband at night, but I didn't. I stayed up all night long editing because that's what's normal in the photography world. That's what everyone does, right? You want to share your excitement about what you're doing to your friend's family, but they look at you like you're crazy. They tell you they would never pay your prices and that you should just charge less money if you want more clients. I know that's what my family told me.

Speaker 2:

Survey data from 2019 shows that 58% of Americans felt like no one in their life knew them well. More recently, the US Surgeon General released a warning for Americans saying that loneliness is actually a public health crisis, that one in every two Americans say they're lonely, and the impact on well-being can be as damaging as smoking or obesity on their lives. This correlated with cardiovascular disease, depression, dementia and premature death. This statistic right here is alarming and it's scary. And when I heard it I was like whoa, that's crazy. And then I also thought back to a couple weeks before I heard this statistic. I was sitting in the hot tub with my husband and I just broke down and I was just like I just feel so alone and at that time I didn't have a community that I was in. I was kind of between community. I was between coaches. I just felt like I didn't really have a community at that moment and I said I'm just so lonely I feel like nobody gets it, nobody understands what I'm going through Like.

Speaker 2:

The higher you climb in business, the lonelier it gets, the harder it gets to find people to understand what you're going through, the harder it gets to find people who are stepping right alongside of you because you have ran right past them and all of a sudden those people that once understood and got you don't get you anymore. I remember the day vividly when I was in the first year of my business, sitting at my mom's house and talking to my sisters and my mom about my business, and I remember my sisters saying we would never pay that for portraits Our friends would never pay, that we could never tell our friends to go use you. That's crazy. And to think my prices were so much lower then, like a tenth of what they are now. Quite literally. My mom she thought I was crazy because I wasn't using my college degree.

Speaker 2:

I had gone to school for animal science and I got into my last semester of college and was like what the heck am I going to do with my life. I have this degree and I don't really want to go back to school anymore. That had always been the plan. Go back to school, corinda, you know. Go to vet school, go get your masters, go get your doctorate, whatever it might have been Like, those were all the things I was considering. I can honestly say that if I wouldn't have started my photography business, I probably would have gone back to college and gotten my masters and I probably would have gotten my doctorate and been a professor at a university, which is also why I love being here, being able to teach all because it is something that is so near and dear to my heart and it's something that clearly was on the horizon for me. I just didn't know which way it was going to come to fruition in my life that I would be sharing and helping and guiding and directing.

Speaker 2:

A fun side note on that is that I was actually a long term sub for three months as an ag teacher right after graduating from college. I went and actually taught at my old high school for three months because they had lost an ag teacher and I stepped in and I very quickly realized that teaching ag in high school although I loved ag and it was such an important part of my life, being an ag teacher was not where I needed to be. It was awful. I cried all the time. I hated my life. There were only so many times that you could scream at the top of your lungs and say, if y'all would just sit in your chair and watch the movie, I would give all of y'all 100 for the day, but if you stand up on the desk you're getting a zero. I could do not. I said those words a lot. So I went on this weird journey and that's got me to where I am today. But that's kind of a side tangent.

Speaker 2:

So I remember, as I was kind of wrapping up the time as an ag teacher, that into that semester and considering, like do I go and get my teaching certification so I can go back and teach? I could have that job if I wanted it. My mom thought I was crazy because I wasn't using my degree, but luckily my husband was all in and he cheered me along and we weren't married at the time. We were engaged at the time. We got engaged in April of that year and I worked at the high school from like March through the end of the semester. So he at the time we were like about to get engaged, newly engaged, and he was like, just do it, just run your business. I was doing a lot of senior sessions, I was shooting weddings at the time actually, and I was starting to photograph newborns as well. My husband cheered me along. My stepdad actually cheered me along. I'm so incredibly grateful for him. My stepdad had his own business. He was in the construction business and he was the one who sat there and looked at my mom and was like Patsy, let her do it, let her chase her dreams, let her have her business. She can do this. And it was really cool to have the support of my stepdad and my husband.

Speaker 2:

I talked to a lot of photographers that don't have supportive spouses or significant others but don't have supportive family members, that everybody in their circle is telling them that they're crazy, that everyone in their circle is saying they're charging too much money, that everyone in their circle just doesn't get it and that is a crappy place to be in. Guys Like just coming from my family to some, like my sisters and my mom, feeling like, no, why are you doing that? That's crazy. That was hard and I had a couple of people that were in my corner saying just do it. I know from talking to so many business owners that not everyone has that and sometimes it's the people closest to them that doubt them the most. So I feel like this is important to say right now If you have people in your life that are doubting you and that are not encouraging you, it might not always be people that you can just cut out of your life because you know your significant others probably pretty important. Your kids, your parents are probably pretty important. But I'm just gonna encourage you to put some boundaries up, understand and trust yourself and don't look for outward approval on what you're doing from somebody that doesn't know what it's like to be in your shoes. Find people that support you and get you.

Speaker 2:

It's tiring, it's exhausted and some days, when you're sitting at home working alone, it's downright lonely. Some days you're gonna cry, like I did in hot tub that night, like I just feel like you. Nobody gets it, nobody understands what I'm doing, even like something as simple as going to church and this might sound kind of weird it's just like going to church and being around other people and seeing like all these, these women that are moms and they're staying at home moms and they're fabulous moms, like they're staying at home, home schooling their kiddos, or they have this career where they go into the office every day and they have these amazing careers where they're putting on suits and like heels and going into the office. I look around a lot of times and I'm like does anybody else know what this is like? Does anybody else feel my pain? It's hard to relate, like I seriously struggle to relate to people sometimes just because I feel like they're looking at me and saying must be nice, and I feel like they don't understand.

Speaker 2:

I've had my fair share of days. I've had my days when I'm just like I just want somebody to bounce ideas off of. I just need somebody to lean on. My husband, luckily, has been fairly supportive and he's been that person. But honestly it's hard on a relationship. One of these days we're gonna do a podcast episode together all about this, because it is hard on a relationship. It is hard to have these really serious business conversations with a significant other. It just is not always a great dynamic and a place to have those conversations. Even if you have a supportive spouse, it can take a toll on your relationship, or your relationship can all become centered around the business. The thing is is that even my closest friends don't get it. Other moms that I'm around don't get it.

Speaker 2:

We have a nanny. My nanny takes my kiddo to do a lot of things. I feel really fortunate that we can have a nanny that takes my kiddo to go do things and he does pony club, for example, and she takes him to pony club for weeks. And then I show up and someone says, oh, you're his mom. And I'm like, yes, I do exist. Hello, sorry, I'm a really busy person who's running their business during the day and I want my kiddo to be able to go do things, but sometimes that means someone else is going to take him. It doesn't mean that I can just take three hours in the middle of the day to go take my kiddo to his writing lessons every single week. I go every few weeks, but every single week that doesn't happen. And, as you know, we have busy, crazy seasons like fall and spring where we're just doing a lot, and then we have quiet seasons where we get to go do more stuff. So that's kind of how I look at these types of things. It's just weird and it's just different and it sometimes feels like those people around me don't quite understand.

Speaker 2:

But outside of having a couple of key people in my life, like my significant other, my stepdad, who are really encouraging in those early years, the thing that really truly helped me get through those and the process of doing business was finding a good community of people that got it, a good community of people that understood it, a good community of people that were working alongside me on my journey. My mentors that I've hired, the coaching groups that I've been a part of those things really got me through it. Yes, my husband was helpful. Yes, my stepdad was helpful whenever my family, the rest of my family got at me. But those coaching circles, those communities that I paid to be a part of, those were the places that were the most helpful in my journey.

Speaker 2:

And I have met some of my best friends through online groups, my business besties, as I like to call them. My first mentor was named Erin, and Erin had a coaching program that I joined like year one of my business, and the ladies in that group legit. They became some of my closest friends. We texted on the daily because we became such good friends. We became so close, we got to know each other and over the years that group is kind of dispersed and a lot of them are doing different things now, because this was over 10 years ago, but even so, I still feel like I know them so well and I still feel like they were a huge part of my life.

Speaker 2:

And even a few years ago, when I was traveling, we would meet up with Tia, one of the girls that was in our group, and her husband. They came down to Nashville to hang out with my husband and I and we went to dinner together and we saw Miranda Lambert at the restaurant and it's just cool. It's so cool to know that I have these relationships with photographers and business owners all over the world that literally I can be like hey, I'm coming to Nashville, do you and your husband wanna drive up and let's hang out and let's do something, even if we haven't seen each other in years or even if our paths have led us in different directions, that we still have those relationships and I'm so grateful for those people. And there are lots of other amazing women who are in that circle of people too, but Tia's always a fun example, since we got to see Miranda Lambert at a fancy steakhouse.

Speaker 2:

But, honestly, we can have relationships in groups. We can get on group calls with people, we can get to know each other in Facebook communities. But I'm gonna challenge you to take those relationships a step further, to set up a chat and just like top on Zoom with somebody and get to know them, ask them how their life is and share and be honest and be transparent about life. Take those relationships off of just this little Facebook group and really bring them to life. Get on the phone with somebody, like text somebody. Just get to know those people in those circles, because as you grow in your business, you're gonna need that support and you're gonna need those people that you feel like have got your back. So when you're having a bad day, you can be like, hey, I need your support, or when you see somebody else struggling or winning, you're there to support them. Either way, I am so thankful for these online communities that created small groups or even some of the big groups, honestly that have allowed me to connect and be myself and create real relationships beyond just business.

Speaker 2:

And, to be honest, today my coaching clients tend to be some of the people that I'm the closest to because I talk to them. We laugh together, we cry together, we do life together. We just had an in-person event and it was so good like getting to sit down in the evenings, have a glass of wine and just like do life, talk, like like the things that we discovered about each other were so cool. Hearing something, and I'm like why have you never told me this? This is like so cool that this is who you are and this is a part of your life. Why haven't you shared this with me? Like well, I didn't think it was like that relevant to my business. And I'm like, no, like these are the cool things like getting to do life together, getting to know people, getting to discover who someone is as a person.

Speaker 2:

One of my coaching clients I won't call her out by name, but she had been struggling with finding her, why? And I was like, hey, just give me some time, give me some time to tell the end of this retreat. Like I just want to like be around you, I want to be in your presence, I want to just hear you talk, I want to hear your story and I can almost guarantee you that by the time you leave here. I'm going to have like a grasp on what this is, what's missing here. And I kid you not, in the last 60 seconds before I was dropping them off at the airport, we were just talking and it just hit me and in that moment I was like holy crap, this is it. I get you, I understand you, I see you. Why did you not tell me these things Like this is why you were different. This is why you're special. This is why you're unique. This is what needs to be in your business. This is what matters. And it's hard because business is business, but business is also your life and business is also who you are as a person.

Speaker 2:

And there's something special about being in a community and not just like being in a course. You buy a course, you download it, you get access to it. You may or may not ever log into it. Being in a community means being vulnerable, being transparent, getting to know people and also learning in a way that is personal to you and feels good to you, and learning from people who give a crap about you Like geez. That's important to me. As a coach, I feel an immense amount of pressure and if you ever meet me in person. Like I'm just gonna be really transparent here.

Speaker 2:

If you ever meet me in person, know that, as somebody who used to be a courseaholic, so many times I've been in situations where I finally met people in person that I knew online, that were mentors to me, and I've been so wildly disappointed Like walk into a room and be like who is this person? They act like they don't give two rats butts about me. I hope you would say that, and it is so important to me that when there's somebody that I meet in person that I know from the online space, like I want you to know that I actually do care about you, like that is who I am as a person and that is why I talk to so many photographers all the time online like total strangers. If you ever catch me when I'm on a road trip, I'll be like, hey, I'm on a road trip, who wants to chat? Like I know you need people to talk to you. I want to build relationships with you. It's important for me to build those relationships if I'm your coach or if I'm not your coach, right? So I'm gonna encourage you to really find people.

Speaker 2:

Plug yourself into small, meaningful communities, put yourself in the room with people that you want to be like, cause I don't know if you've heard this, but you know you are going to become the people you surround yourself with. So if you're surrounding yourself with a bunch of poor, broke, starving artists who that is their mindset, that is their mentality, that's all they think about Chances are you're gonna stay in the poor, starving artist mindset. But if you start to put yourself in circles of people who are working towards big things, who are doing big things, who have big hopes and dreams, you're gonna find that you get so much further, so much faster. So I am begging you, I am pleading with you, to be very aware of the people you're surrounding yourself with. Community is only good if it's good community and if it's people that are on the same path as you are and people who understand and get you.

Speaker 2:

It's important to be around people who are stepping alongside of you, who are maybe one step behind you and who are one step ahead of you. And the thing is is that and this is really, really important to me, and I'm going to say this I might go on really off on some tangents today, but it's just striking in court today with me, it is important to be with people a step behind you. Not everyone should be a step behind you, but some people should be, because it is up to you to help the people and lift the people up who are a step behind you, because the best way to learn yourself is to share with somebody who's a step behind you in a community. So don't, ever, ever. If you ever come to me and you're like I don't want to be with people who are behind me, that's not cool. I only want people who are above me. That is not okay and that is not a growth community mindset.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you want to have people that are a little bit ahead of you, but not everyone in the room needs to be ahead of you, because when there's people who are not ahead of you, that is your place to step in and to help and to serve and to grow by growing other people. There is power in that. Find the people, plug yourself in right. Also, know that having a person to step ahead of you is important. Having people right beside you is important. Always seek inspiration, always be growing, always be a cheerleader for someone else and always have a cheerleader there to support you, and when you have that magical things start to happen. You don't have to be lonely in your business, you don't have to do it by yourself, but you might have to work hard to create those circles of people or, in my case, pay to be in circles of people. I pay a lot of money every year to be in the right circle, in the right room of people that are one step ahead of me, that can inspire me, that can push me forward, that I can look to and say, oh my gosh, you're an inspiration. I want to be like you and also to pick the person up that's stepping beside me.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to encourage you to connect with others, to meet them on Zoom for a coffee date, to hop on the phone and connect with virtual friends, to meet up with them when you happen to be coming through town. Guys like this is important. Those relationships are priceless and they are what will keep you sane as you go through this journey. Just know, if you're looking for a community, we have a free Facebook group. That's a bigger group and you're always welcome to come there, post and share in that, and I'm going to encourage you today, after you listen to this episode, go to our Facebook group, photography Business, tune Up with Corinna King and post in there. Post in there, comment on someone else's post, invite them to a virtual date, get to know them.

Speaker 2:

And in our coaching program we have an even tighter knit space. We have a smaller, more curated group of people that are really on that higher level, that are striving for really big things. You know we get together virtually each month on Zoom. You know, if we have a chance to get together in person, like we did a few weeks ago, we get together in person and we have this really cool group of people and I know that my coaching clients can lean on each other. They're not just there for me, they're there for each other and that is cool.

Speaker 2:

And now that we have the YOR magic year, that is going to give us another space for community. That is not just the free for all everybody. It is not necessarily the highest of the high of my coaching clients, but, heckly, your magic year is a community of people. It's a secret squad of people that you're going to have in your corner. It's me that's going to be pouring some magic into your business each and every month. It's me who's going to be sending you on quests every month to do things, to grow, to stretch beyond your comfort zone, and that is why I'm so excited about this. It is accessible to everybody and it is super affordable. It is not like investing in a high-touch coaching program at all, but it is meant for anyone who's like you know what I'm ready to be in the space. I want to be in Karinda's bubble. I want to learn from her, I want to grow, but I also want the other people that Karinda attracts, the people who are also working on themselves, growing in their mindset, growing a profitable business that they want to build an empire for themselves and their business. If that's you, that's where you need to be. So we will include the link to that in the show notes and in the description here. That way you can grab your spot there. So make sure you check that out.

Speaker 2:

And I just want to tell you, like, if you're ever at an event in person like imaging, come up to me, say hi to me, introduce yourself. Sometimes my brain is really bad at remembering names. I'm not going to lie, and that might be one of my weaknesses as a person is that I'm really bad with names. But once you start talking to me, my brain's like I know who she is. I was driving down this random highway. Whenever I talked to her on the phone, or she sent me a DM while I was at a horse show and I remember what she said. My brain works in a very strange way, like that Yay for all my neurodivergent friends out there. But please come up to me, please talk to me, even if you've never talked to me before, even if you just followed me, if you've listened to the podcast like come, tell me. Those things mean the world to me.

Speaker 2:

Hug me if you want to hug me. Shake my hand if you want to shake my hand. I am actually not a hugger, but I will hug you. I will hug you. I love hugging people of them once I get to know them, but sometimes I feel weird hugging strangers. So that's just a random confession.

Speaker 2:

My husband says I should really stop telling people that because it makes people who are huggers just want to come hug me when they meet me to make me uncomfortable. We have a family friend or one of my friends is married to someone that is Greek and Greeks are really big huggers. Anyway, him and his family are really big huggers and they know that I don't like hugging. So it's like when they see me, they're like Corinda, come here and they want to hug me. And then every time they point out the fact that they know it makes me slightly uncomfortable and I'm like y'all, I know, you know it's cool, we can hug, come see me, shake my hand, hug me. Whatever you need to do for you, I'm there for it. Really, I cannot wait to meet you, and if y'all are going to be at Imaging in January, start thinking about that, because I will be at Imaging and we have some amazing things happening at Imaging. So make sure you put that on your schedule, get your ticket and all the good stuff. I'm happy to talk to you. Just DM me, corinda, let's chat.

Speaker 2:

If you're interested in a full-blown diagnostic call, apply to join my coaching program and you can get access to a diagnostic call with me too. You can find the link there in the show it's masteryourminemoneycom, and after you apply, you can actually schedule a real diagnostic call with me, a real formal call where we talk through your business, and that call is amazing as well. If you join your Magic Year program, you're going to get access to me on these calls that we're going to do on these trainings we're going to do each month. That's going to be amazing. There's going to be opportunities to talk there, to connect, to connect with other business owners, and I cannot wait for that. So I would just say don't be afraid to reach out. That's what I want you to know.

Speaker 2:

You are not alone. I might be a business coach, I might be sitting here on this podcast or, if you're watching on YouTube, telling you these things, but I am a person and I love people and I love y'all and I want you to be successful. That's why I'm here. That's why I'm doing this podcast. This podcast does not pay me anything. It costs me money to run, but I'm here doing this because I love y'all and I want to see y'all grow and succeed. So let's talk, just reach out to me. A lot of times I get on calls with people and at the end of the call they're like whoa, I did not expect you to just talk to me and share so much and just be so helpful. And I'm like yeah, that's why I'm here. I'm here to help. I'm here to see you grow. I'm here to see you be successful and one day, when you're successful, I hope you can say, karinda, play a small part in that, even if you just heard something on a podcast episode.

Speaker 2:

It makes my day when somebody is like hey, karinda, I learned this thing from you and like I went out and used it and I made $5,000 for my client for the first time. I had a coaching client the other day and she sent me a message and she was like holy crap, I just had my first like $5,000 client. This would have never been possible if I wouldn't have found you and if I wouldn't have joined your bubble and if I wouldn't have joined your program and just gone out on a limb. This works. That makes me happy. I was like, yeah, it'd be cool if I was out there making $5,000 for my own client. But it actually come to a place where I enjoy watching other people succeed and make money more than I like watching myself succeed, which is kind of a weird thing to say.

Speaker 2:

I think the first time that I experienced that brings back a memory when I was in college. I actually showed lambs and coats in high school and I traveled all over the state of Texas showing lambs and coats in high school and I was pretty good at it. I was like top 10 in the state for showing lambs. My senior year we were at lambs shows literally every weekend and whenever I was in college I started going back to my high school that I eventually ended up teaching at down the road. But so I ended up going back to my high school and I would help the kids with their animals and I would show up and I would teach them how to show and like pour into them the same way somebody had poured into me when I was learning, and I would go back and just help them. And I remember very vividly the first time I got to sit and watch. So one of some of the kids that I helped show like learn to show their animals in the show ring. I'm getting emotional thinking about it because it was just like such a cool experience and I think genuinely it was the first time that I realized how important it was for me to help other people. And I remember going back to the school show and I remember standing on the outside of the ring with, like, my face glued against the arena fence, just like peering through the arena, being like look at her, go. Oh my gosh, she's doing so amazing.

Speaker 2:

I'm very distantly remember watching Breanna show her animal that year and just being like, oh yay, that's so amazing. And just feeling like I felt like I was a mom, like I felt like I was her mom, cheering her on. I remember watching my mom when I was growing up, like watching her, like literally stand out there. I'm gonna get really emotional here, after sacrificing everything so I could go show my limbs, and essentially wobbling around, hobbling around on a broken foot, halling with me to lamb shows all over the state. And I remember the first time I won a belt buckle. And I just remember looking at her and just seeing her cry and seeing how proud she was of me and like now that's what this is for me, like hi, I'm the mom standing on the outside of the arena fence cheering my kid on and saying you can do it, you're gonna do it. And then being there to cry for my child when she wins. Like that's what my coaching clients are for me, and that's why I love this.

Speaker 2:

And I don't know why I get so emotional talking about it, which is very strange. If y'all are listening to the podcast, you're like, wow, her voice sounds really awkward Right now. It's because I get emotional about things. When I'm really passionate about them, I'm really excited about things, my voice changes and I am, yeah, if I get really excited about things, my voice does this too. But it's important for me and it's important for me to help y'all and to point you in the right direction and to pour into y'all and y'all.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes I kind of suck a little bit at managing conversations in the DMs, I'm not going to lie. So some days there's 20 of y'all messaging me all at once and I forget to respond to one of you. So I do apologize if I've ever forgotten to respond to you, but it does get a little overwhelming in the DMs when I get so many messages. But just know that I see you, I care about you, I love you. I want you to succeed. I want you to reach out to me. I want you to post in our groups. I would love to see you and your magic here, because I would love to be able to help you in an actual program that's structured in a way to help you in your business and to give you that community and to give you that direction that you need Right now. We're also offering, like I said, those diagnostic calls to anyone that joins for our program for a discounted rate. If you go and apply for a coaching program, masteryourminemoneycomcom, you'll have the opportunity to schedule a diagnostic call with me as well. Those calls are freaking amazing. You're going to get so much value out of it and if they are much less expensive than an actual one-on-one call with me but you're going to get so much great value out of that. So you can grab one of those right now as well and just send me a message like just reach out, post in our group, let's talk. So I hope you all have found value in this.

Speaker 2:

I know I kind of went off on a few random tangents. I just felt like it was important to share this topic with y'all and to let you know that you're not alone. You have people around you who are also doing it. You have other people that get it. There are people there that also feel lonely and that are also looking for those relationships and also looking for those people to be their cheerleader or to cheer on for themselves, because cheering for someone else is the greatest thing in the world. Helping someone else is the greatest thing in the world. Doing it yourself is cool too. But also know that every single person in a circle or group or community that you're in serves a purpose and a reason and they're there for a particular purpose.

Speaker 2:

And I think at the in-person thing we did a few weeks ago, I really really saw that come to fruition, because it was really cool to see such a very diverse, different group of people coming together who were all different human beings, different beliefs, different values, and to know that each and every person that was put there was put there for a reason. And to know that we did this fun thing where we put all these pieces of paper into a bowl with some different things about ourselves and there were probably like 70 pieces of paper in there, there were a lot, every person put 10 pieces in and to know that we only drew a very small number of papers out of that thing to like learn about each other. But the papers that were pulled out of that bowl, they were pulled out for a reason. There was some deep stuff shared. There was some really powerful, there was some really painful, there were some really joyous things that were shared on those pieces of paper. There were some crazy conversations that happened.

Speaker 2:

I just was so overwhelmed, like after just the first night, being like, oh my gosh, these things that my coaching clients are trusting me to share and are sharing with each other, and just like knowing that we're able to sit and have these conversations and it's just about life, knowing that my coaching clients trust me and knowing that we have that group of people that were put together for that reason and that those things that we shared with each other were so powerful and meaningful and the conversations that had were so good. And that cannot happen without community. That cannot happen without a curated community of people. And sometimes that curated community of people happens by chance and I believe in that situation. For me it was like this is a God thing, like these people are put in this room for a reason. In those of you that might have been there listening to this, now you get to hear the me going home and being like, oh my gosh, this is so powerful, the things that happened. But I believe that people are put into a place for a reason. People are put on a path for a reason and you know, sometimes we don't always know that, sometimes we don't always know the path, sometimes we don't always know where we're going.

Speaker 2:

I didn't realize I would be here today on a podcast teaching photographers. When I started my business 10 plus years ago, I had no idea. But look at where I'm at. It's because I've trusted and I've just been okay with being like you know what. Whatever's going to happen, is going to happen and it's going to come to fruition. And just trusting blindly, even when things are scary, and knowing that I have the people there to support me, cheer me on, pick me up, encourage me if I need it that's what's important. So if you're looking for that, your magic year is going to be amazing. It is super affordable. It is the lowest priced offer we've ever had and the price will go up over time. So go check out the page It'll be in the show notes or in the comments.

Speaker 2:

Your magic year. And also, too, if you're ready to just take things to a different level, to really have the one on one support, the really tight knit, high touch, high value, tons of information, everything you ever needed to know to run your business, then apply to join us inside Master of your Mind and Money, because that is where that is at. You know, if you're like this, master of your Mind and Money full coaching program sounds amazing. I'm not sure if it's for me yet. Start off in our magic year program. Start off there. Give it some time, get on a few trainings with us and see how you're feeling like. You're going to know from that if the full thing is a good fit for you and if it's where you want to go. And also, too, it's going to give you that direction to start to grow, to start to stretch, and it's also going to give you that community that you're all telling me that you need so badly and I know you need so badly, and that I need the community so badly.

Speaker 2:

Still, I'm still there. I'm still doing the thing y'all. I'm still building a business. I'm still growing. These things are still happening. I understand the struggles. I feel it. I feel when the economy shifts. I see it in my business. I see you in Google changes SEO practices that I have to like. Do all the things again. So I just want you to know that you're not alone. I'm doing it with you. There's tons of other amazing photographers doing it with you as well that believe in the same things. Get in a circle, get plugged in with them. Come to our Facebook group, introduce yourself, guys. Connect with someone else. Go leave a sweet comment on someone else's post today. Do something to support and encourage and lift up the rest of the photography industry. Bye guys.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to support the podcast, please make sure you share it on social media or leave a rating and review. As always, you can check out the links and resources in the show notes over at masteryourmindmoneycom. To catch all the latest from me, you can follow me on Instagram at masteryourmindmoney, and don't forget to join our free Facebook group Photography Business. Tune Up with Corinne Decay. Thanks again and I'll see you next time.