Mindset & Money Mastery for Photographers with Karinda K.

58. Navigating the Imaging USA | Tips For Conquering Photography Conferences

Karinda K. Episode 58

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Unlock the secrets to conquering ImagingUSA with my ultimate survival guide!

From navigating check-in to our book launch at the expo, this episode has you covered.

Learn game-changing tips for personalizing strategies, boosting profits, and enhancing customer engagement.

Join me on the bustling Expo floor, where I spill the beans on approaching vendors, making connections, and scoring sweet deals.

Whether you're a seasoned pro or a newbie, this episode guarantees a magical experience filled with industry insights and camaraderie.

Make sure to shoot me a message to let me know you'll be there, and  come to find me at the Expo to say "Hi!"!

Tune in and make your next ImagingUSA unforgettable!

Canadian Imaging - Use code: Karinda20 when registering!
Texas School
Pre-Order The Unicorn

Join Your Magic Year here.
Use the code PODCAST to receive special pricing when you enroll. 

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Mindset and Money Mastery for Photographers the podcast. We help overwhelmed photographers make more money while simplifying their business by mastering their you guessed it mindset and money. Tune in each week for practical and actionable tips to take your photography business up a notch. Let's dive right in.

Speaker 2:

Hey guys, I am so excited for the podcast. Today I am recording an episode all about ImagingUSA 2024 in Louisville, kentucky, what you need to know, what you need to do when you're going into it, and give you some really great tips for getting the most out of imaging this year in Louisville. Also, if you have not already grabbed your ticket for ImagingUSA 2024 in Louisville, go grab your ticket. There are still tickets available. You can still get a hotel room. There's still time to go. I can't believe it's in a couple of weeks. It seems like this year has flown by and it feels like just yesterday. We were at Nashville at Imaging. I am so incredibly excited for this. The reason I'm even more excited about this is that this year we will be at ImagingUSA as a vendor in the expo and we will actually be there selling our book. It's our first official book launch event. If you are at ImagingUSA, you will get access to our book first, before anyone else. Pre-orders are open for the book and you can go ahead and pre-order it and you can pick it up at Imaging If you want to make sure you get a copy. We only have 500 copies that we ordered and a bunch of those are already sold. If you want to guarantee that you get a copy at Imaging to pick up, go ahead and pre-order your copy so you can just grab it at the trade show.

Speaker 2:

The book is called the Unicorn, in case you haven't heard. It is really the ultimate guide to finding magic in your business and building a profitable business that you will love. The book's actually arrived yesterday. It's so beautiful. I'm obsessed. It has our unicorn on the cover. It's called the Unicorn. I'm so excited. It is huge. It's like 400 pages long. It is jam-packed full of information. There is not a bunch of space on the pages or anything like that. It is really a jam-full book. You're going to love it and you're going to get so much practical business advice out of it. Make sure you go grab your copy. If you're not coming to Imaging, grab your copy and we'll drop ship them to you. They will begin shipping in February.

Speaker 2:

Let's dive into Imaging what you can expect, what you need to know there. I just want to share some advice because I know that sometimes going into a conference or a trade show that's this large can be overwhelming, especially if it's your first time. I actually remember the first time I went to Imaging. It was when Imaging was in San Antonio. I believe I was really overwhelmed. I am not going to lie I sometimes struggle a bit with going strange places, I don't know. Sometimes I'm really brave and ballsy and can just show up and travel to a random state and explore by myself. I feel like I can do whatever. But other days I'm like, what am I doing? This is scary. Where do I go? I don't know. That's how I felt the first time I went to Imaging.

Speaker 2:

Hopefully me sharing a little bit about what to do, what to look for, what to expect, will be helpful for all of you. The first thing I want to share with you is what to expect when you get to Imaging. You'll have to get a name badge. You'll have to go to a check-in table and get your name badge printed. Don't lose your name badge and don't leave it in your hotel room, because you will have to go back and get it from your hotel room or you'll have to pay to get a new one printed, and that is not any fun. I've had to do it before. Make sure you keep track of your name tag. Just wear it all the time, probably sleep in it so you don't wake up in the morning and forget to grab it and take it with you. You'll have to check in, grab your name badge. Then we have classes.

Speaker 2:

There's a couple different parts of Imaging. There are classes that you can go to. There are keynote events. At the very beginning and at the very end there's a big keynote where everybody goes into the same room. It's a huge thing. That would be your keynotes.

Speaker 2:

Then you have your smaller classes which you can choose. There are multiple classes going on at the same time and there's different themes or topics for different rooms. There's different topics geared towards more mindset and growth. There's different topics geared towards sports and events. There's topics geared towards portraits I don't know. There's a lot of topics. I may not have the list in front of me. You'll see when you look at the schedule.

Speaker 2:

There's all these different. I think they call it a track. You can choose which track you want to go on and have an idea of which classes to look on based on that track. Or you can skip around from track. I always go to a class here or go to a class there. I'm always skipping around and I typically don't just stay in the same track all of the conference. You'll have your keynote, you'll have your individual classes. You can choose. Just decide where you want to go.

Speaker 2:

If you and a friend are going together, a great thing to do is be like, hey, there's these two classes we both like and we both want to go to. Both of you divide and conquer. You all could both go to different classes and take notes and compare and then come together and share what you learn in your classes. I've definitely done that with friends before at Imaging USA, which has been amazing because we both get to learn and we both get to hear from the speakers that we really wanted to learn from. So that's a great tip.

Speaker 2:

The other thing is that when you go into your classes, they're pretty large rooms, so make sure you choose a good spot where you can pay attention. Don't get distracted. I am super easily distracted. I am a front row person. I love sitting in the front of a room. When I was growing up, I just thought that I liked to sit in the front row because that's what my mom told me. You're supposed to sit in the front row of class, and the older I get, the more I realize that I like sitting in the front row because I am able to pay attention a lot better. So come prepared, show up, sit accordingly to where you need to sit to pay attention. If you have to be a front row person, like myself, then head straight to the front.

Speaker 2:

Get in your classes early. That way you can get a good seat. Some of the classes fill up very quickly, so you might have to like the more popular ones. You want to make sure you get in there right away and time to grab a good seat. The other thing is make sure when you go to your classes you come armed with a notebook. You're going to want to take a lot of notes and you're going to learn so much from those speakers, so make sure you just take a notebook with you. They typically will have notebooks available for you at checking as well. If you lose your notebook, if you can't find a notebook, guess what? I will be there and I have notebooks with me. I have like a hundred notebooks that I ordered to bring with me. Just in case anyone needs an extra notebook, come find me in the trade show and I will give you a notebook. So make sure you bring your notebook Whenever you're in these classes.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes there's this urge of like you learn all these amazing things at a conference and you're like, okay, I need to implement everything I learned. This is all amazing, I'm going to go home, I'm going to burn my business to the ground and I'm going to start over. And I'm going to give you a few tips to avoid the conference overwhelm, aka burning your business down every time you go to a conference. So I'm just going to share with you a few tips to avoid that and hopefully get the most out of what you learn and a way that will help your business grow and not hurt your business. So the first thing I would share is that whenever you go into these classes, look for the golden nuggets, depending on where you're at in business.

Speaker 2:

You might go to some classes and say I already knew all of this, or oh man, why are they talking about this? I knew this already. And I'm going to encourage you to not fall into that mindset, because it's so easy to sit down in a class and to be like I already know this. But instead, if you sit down and you say I might know some of these things, but there might be something that the speaker shares that is new or different, or I might learn a new perspective, and so what I call that is looking for the golden nuggets. You don't need to sit down in every class and feel like your brain is completely transformed and every single word that came out of the speaker's mouth is new and exciting and something you've never heard, because that's probably not going to happen. There are lots of amazing content and lots of amazing things to be learned at Imaging, but sometimes you're going to hear things that you already know, and that's okay.

Speaker 2:

Don't discount the speaker or the class you're in just because you feel like you already know what's happening. Instead, sit there and listen for the golden nuggets, listen for the things that might be slightly different. It could be so subtly different and, you see, the reason that the golden nuggets are so important is because, as a business owner, you could be doing a lot of the things that are right, but there's one little subtle nuance that is so tiny and so minute and might be really, really basic that you are missing or you're doing it slightly wrong. So what I like to say is you might be asking the right questions, but you could be asking those questions in the wrong way, and that could be the difference in a wildly profitable business and clients spending $6 or $7,000 with you and a business where you feel like you're not making any money and you can't bust past those $2 or $3,000 sales. Really pay attention and pay really close attention for the little, tiny details and the subtle nuances and what the speakers are sharing with you, because those are the things that are going to make a difference in your business.

Speaker 2:

The second thing I want to share with you is when you learn those golden nuggets or when you learn new things. I want you to take time to truly understand why the speaker is sharing this with you. As somebody that teaches and speaks and shares things with people all the time, if I share something it's for a reason, just because I came out of thin air and it felt like something good to say. I'm sharing things for a very particular reason to help people. So whenever you hear that golden nugget, stop and ask yourself why does this work this way? Why is this person recommending I try this? Why is this person recommending I do this?

Speaker 2:

You see, when you're at a conference like this, speakers only have I don't know, I think like an hour or something to speak. So whenever you are listening to them speak right. They can't possibly take the time to explain the background and the reason and the psychology and the logic behind the things they're telling you to do, because there's simply not enough time to really go crazy in depth in a setting like this. So take those golden nuggets and then take a step back after the conference and take the time to research those things, take the time to understand or to learn more about why that speaker recommended you do this thing, get curious about it, understand it and then decide if you should put it into your business and run with it or not. Because the thing is is that business isn't copy and paste and you shouldn't simply take things that you learn and just copy and paste them into your business unless you understand them. I know you've probably heard me say this before, but unless you truly understand what you're putting into your business, it's not going to work. So look for the golden nuggets, take the time to understand those golden nuggets and then decide how you can take those golden nuggets and implement them into your business in a way that makes sense for you.

Speaker 2:

It's like the analogy I like to use If your engine's broken in your vehicle and you take your vehicle to the mechanic and they fix it. If the engine breaks again, you're not going to be able to fix it yourself. You're going to have to go back to the mechanic. But if, instead, you learn and you research and you study on how to fix your engine yourself and then you go fix your engine yourself when it breaks again, you can fix it. So as a business owner, you get to choose if you want to be the person that takes your car to the mechanic and gets it fixed aka your business or if you want to take the time to learn and understand your business and the things you're doing and the decision you're making, so that way you can fix your business and tune up your engine as you go. So keep that in mind.

Speaker 2:

As you're going to a conference, a workshop, anything you're always doing, always ask yourself do I understand this enough to actually implement it in a way that works for me and feels good for me, or am I just trying to take something and copy and paste it and put it in my business? If you find yourself taking the copy and paste route, it might sometimes feel like you're putting a square peg in a round hole. It doesn't really fit, and the reason that it might not fit is because it might not be perfect and right for you. I always like to say make decisions that work for your business and work for you and who you are, because, after all, you are a unicorn and you are different and you are unique and you are special and your business should be the same way. Don't go out there and don't feel like you just need to be I don't know for my horse people another plain bay horse, right? Don't just be another plain bay horse like everyone else. Be the unicorn, find what makes you special and find a way to take these things that you learn and make them special as you implement them in your business. Hopefully, those three tips will help you as you're going through the learning part of the conference and really get a better grasp as you step away from the conference, as you go home and as you start to implement and make changes in your own business.

Speaker 2:

The next thing I want to talk about when it comes to Imaging USA is the Expo. So the Expo is huge. It can be a little bit overwhelming sometimes, especially your first time going. You're going to walk in there and be like whoa, there are so many people, there are so many things. When those doors first open to the Expo, I feel like it is literally a stampede to get into the Expo, which I don't know why, because there is plenty of time to go through the Expo and to look at everything and to learn at the Expo. So don't feel like you have to stampede when the doors open.

Speaker 2:

What I really recommend doing is attacking the Expo with some sort of strategy, meaning don't just walk all willy-nilly through random aisles. I would work from one side to the other or have a strategy or a plan to go through all the aisles, because if you just start walking in random places, you're going to miss so much. And, honestly, last year I was with a bunch of people and I got a little bit disorganized and I didn't get to do my solid walk down every aisle. And on the last day I was like, oh no, I feel like I haven't made it over here, over there. So make sure that you take the time to actually go through the entire Expo, see all of the things that the artists see as you're going through the Expo, look for new things, things maybe you haven't seen or touched before, especially product-wise.

Speaker 2:

The really really powerful part about imaging is that you get to see all of these products from print labs and it's really cool because you can only order so many samples. Right, you want to see all these products, but in order to see them, you have to actually order the samples. So I definitely recommend going and looking at all the print products, your wall art, your album options, all that good stuff at the trade show. Look for the things that stand out to you and also snap a picture of it on your phone if you really like it, or if it stands out, or honestly, take a video of it and actually talk about it. Like in the video, tell yourself, oh, I really love this album because they have really cool color options, or they have really beautiful paper, or I love the way the pictures look in this album, or I love the way it feels. Make some commentary, because you're going to look at a lot of things and they might start to blend together in your head. But if you actually go through strategically, make some quick videos or take some quick pictures and take some notes as you're going, it will help keep your brain organized when you go home and you're trying to remember all of the beautiful things that you got to see at the trade show.

Speaker 2:

You'll also find a lot of equipment and gear there, as well as a lot of really great deals and specials on that gear. So make sure that you go through and look at any gear that you might be interested in. It's a great time to look and explore lighting equipment because you can actually see it, touch it, feel it, really get a good grasp of it. I always love looking at lighting and imaging because everyone is there. You can pretty much touch, see and feel every product there is out there, which is so cool. If you're going to imaging with a specific intention in mind of things that you want to look at, so let's say that maybe you want to look at wall art or you want to look at albums or find a new album company, or maybe you want to buy some lighting, so your goal is to go in there and see it and feel and touch all of the lighting equipment. That you can Think about these things before you go and kind of have a plan of what you think you might want to buy or what you think you might want to get, because there will be some really great specials on products and stuff at the trade show, so you might actually want to pull the trigger and buy some of those things at the trade show so that you can take advantage of those special discounts there.

Speaker 2:

For me, I got some lights last year, sometimes at the last day. They'll actually sell their samples. They've been using all week, or not, their samples, their floor models I guess I don't know what you would call them, but they'll actually sell some of the things they've been using for demonstrations, and you can get a good deal and stuff that way too. It just depends on the company. Just walk around, look, see, feel and talk to the people that are there showing you these products, because they know the most and they're going to be able to answer your questions about what's right for you and give you some honest opinions about what they think you should be getting or investing in. Don't be overwhelmed, though, if you go to the trade show and you feel like I really want some lights and you walk around and you look at all the lights and you're like I don't know what to do. Don't fret, it's fine. If you don't want to make a decision there, you can always take some time. Go home, do more research and all that stuff. Don't feel pressured to actually invest in the equipment there on the spot if it's something you don't really want to do or are ready to decide on yet either.

Speaker 2:

There are also a lot of other companies, like CRM companies, maybe editing companies. There are some backdrop companies that are there. There's so many different things. Maybe take a look through the vendors on the ImagingUSA website first. Go through, see if there's any companies that you could like. Ooh, I'm really interested in this company or ooh, I've been dying to look at their stuff. That might also help you have a game plan when you're going into the trade show of what to look for and what to sort through.

Speaker 2:

Honestly, I would say that I probably look at every single booth every single year when I go, even if I've used their stuff, even if I have already looked at the booth before. At Imaging, I always like going through all the different booths and looking and exploring and seeing what's new, because every year I'm surprised there's new things that jump out to me. The other thing is when you're going through the expo, get to know people, talk to the companies that you use, go up and introduce yourself. Tell them like hey, I love your product, I already use it. I always wanted to come shake your hand and say hello, get to know your companies that you already use. Get to know the other photographers that are there walking around when you bump into somebody. That's what we're there for is getting to know people, getting to meet people face to face. Those are the things that we don't get to do on the online space. Don't be afraid to just introduce yourself and say hi and get to know people on the trade show floor.

Speaker 2:

Like I said, I will be at the trade show. I will be on the main aisle way that goes right to the food area. I am right outside of the food area. Come by and see me. We will have a spinning wheel you can spin to win some prizes from me. We will have our books. I'm so excited. They're beautiful. We have some really cute stickers as well. We have some amazing stickers that have different like sayings and we have some horse and dog photographer stickers. They will be horse and dog photographers. Sometimes we are underrepresented at imaging. Come by, get your sticker, wear it with pride or put it on your water bottle or something. That way, everyone knows us. Horse and dog photographers are showing up and we are there. Some really fun stuff there. I have some unicorn stress balls and lots of other fun things. Like I said, notebooks, you name it, I have it. Snacks If you need snacks, come see me. Guys, I know sometimes it can be hard to find food. We have snacks too. So come see me and say hi and grab your book, spin the wheel to win, and also we are going to have some amazing special things going on too.

Speaker 2:

The last thing I want to talk about is the extracurricular activities that happen at imaging. So you have your classes, where you're going to go learn. You have the expo you're going to go walk through, dig into. But lastly, don't forget about the fun stuff that happens too. There are events in the evenings like there's, like, I think, a welcome party or a closing party, I don't know. I don't want to go back to the evenings. Make sure you go to those things. I know sometimes it's like, oh, I just want to go back to my hotel and go sleep. Don't just go back to your hotel and go to sleep. It's a few days of a lot of talking and I promise, after it's over, you can go be a hermit, if you want to, for a few days, but go to the events, show up, talk, get to know people. I had so much fun last year at those events talking and getting to know everybody, so make sure you go to those events.

Speaker 2:

Also, if you see me walking around, imaging like, please do come, say hi, introduce yourself Really. I want to meet y'all. I want to see your faces. I want to know if you listen to the podcast, watch us on YouTube, follow us on social media. I want to know who you are and I want to see you face to face. Last year I got to meet so many of y'all at Imaging. It was so cool.

Speaker 2:

Just look for the purple hair or the hot pink pants. I love my hot pink pants and it's a great way to find me. I don't know that I'll wear them every day, but if you see hot pink pants walking around, just look and see hot pink pants, purple hair. Okay, that's current. You'll know it's me. Keep an eye out for me. My hair will be much brighter by Imaging. Hopefully, I'm going to have my hair freshly redone. Come see me, come say hi. If you come see me, I might have something special for you, but you'll have to come see me and introduce yourself to see what that is.

Speaker 2:

Make sure you go to all these extra things. Make sure you talk to people. If you spot somebody in a crowd and you're like, hey, I think I know that person, I think I might follow them, just go say hi Honestly. Everyone's there to talk and say hi and be friendly. Don't be afraid to talk to somebody who you might admire or look up to as well.

Speaker 2:

The other thing is be ready for no sleep. It's totally fine if you don't get to sleep a lot during Imaging. If you're staying with people like I've stayed in houses with strangers before at Imaging I see no hotel rooms with strangers before at Imaging If you're staying with somebody, hang out and talk, spend time in the evenings, go out and have dinner, do things together. It's okay. If you don't get to sleep early, it's okay if you're a little bit tired the next day. I promise you the adrenaline and the excitement of everything happening will get you through the event and you will have an amazing time. Just talk to everybody. When you sit down at your classes and you're going through your classes like if there's somebody next to you, talk to them, say hi to them, introduce yourself, follow them on social media, cheer them on. You might just meet your next business bestie at Imaging, who knows? But don't be afraid to just talk to everybody you meet and just really get to know them. I think that, like.

Speaker 2:

Something else I will share is that when you see somebody that looks like they're alone, I'm going to encourage you to go the step further and really really make a point to talk to them. I think my first year at Imaging I felt like a little bit alone, like I didn't really know anybody. I know a few people, but I wasn't actually around them or doing imaging with them. So I kind of just walked around and went to classes by myself and felt like I didn't really know what to do, how to fit in, what was going on. And there were a few people that were really really kind and talked to me and really helped me figure out what to do. But if it wasn't for those people I'm not going to lie I was very lost and very like ugh, I don't know. So just talk to people If you notice somebody looks lonely, if you notice somebody looks like they don't know where they're going, even if you don't know where you're going, just say, like it's cool, none of us know where we're going.

Speaker 2:

It's everyone gets lost in imaging. These are big convention centers. Hopefully this year won't be so crazy. I know sometimes in Nashville it's very easy to kill us. There's a lot of hallways, but there's always people there willing to help and just direct you in the right way. So just ask for help if you need it or if you see somebody that looks lost, hop in, introduce yourself, offer to help, even if you're lost yourself. I'm sure they will appreciate it and just go out there and use this as a chance to get to know people.

Speaker 2:

Something as simple as a smile can make someone stay. Something as simple as a how are you today can make someone stay. You never know what someone's going through, and especially at a thing like that. I know so many of us artists are introverts at heart or introverted extroverts, I should say where we kind of get a little bit nervous in social situations or we're not sure what to do around a ton of people, but once we get started talking, we're fine. So I would just say be cognizant of that, be aware of that, that there's somebody out there that you could make their day just by saying hi or introducing yourself to, and if you see anybody that looks like they need help, volunteer and stop and help them, even if you don't really know how to help them or if you know their answer. So I hope that's been helpful.

Speaker 2:

Guys, I know I really rambled on about that like helping others and just being like willing to talk to other people thing, but I think really, when I think back to my first trip to Imaging because I was so overwhelmed and didn't really know where to go, what to do or I didn't really know anybody it just felt very different. And I know now that I know more people and that I've been for like years. It's a lot more fun because it's like you get to go and you get to see people that you're like oh hey, how are you today? Like I know you online. I've met you at Imaging before. Oh my gosh, I can't see you. So don't be afraid to just step out of your comfort zone and get to know people so that next time when you come back you can see them again.

Speaker 2:

Also, if you're coming to Imaging, please do message me and let me know. I'm going to try to do some sort of meetup at some point in time. I'm not exactly sure where or when, because I have not been to an Imaging in Louisville. I think this is maybe the first year Imaging has actually been in Louisville, but I don't really know the lay of the land and kind of locations and stuff for a meetup. So I'm going to try to organize a day and a time for us to get together.

Speaker 2:

So, anyone who's listening to this, if you're coming, please let me know and keep an eye out for an announcement about Imaging and a meetup there, so that way we can get to know each other and see each other in real life. I hope you all have a magical week. I know we're having a magical year so far and I love each and every one of you. Thank you for joining us on the podcast today and I hope to see you at Imaging USA 2024. And if you're not coming this year, make sure you come next year. It gives you a whole year to plan for it. Right, get it on your calendar. It's always in January. They should be announcing the location for next year at Imaging this year and the exact dates. So put it on your calendar as soon as that's announced and decide to come Join us there. It's so good, it's so great to get to meet people and get to know everybody.

Speaker 2:

Also, if you're looking for another event to attend but you're not really sure if Imaging is the right event for you, I would encourage you to check out Canadian Imaging. I am super excited. I will be coming to Canadian Imaging this year and I'm actually speaking at Canadian Imaging so from what I hear, since I haven't been yet. But what I hear is that it's a much smaller, more intimate type gathering than Imaging USA. Imaging USA is huge. There are so many people there. It's really cool because it's so large, but at the same time, because it's so big, sometimes it does make people apprehensive about coming. So if you're looking for an event that's similar to Imaging USA but a little bit more intimate, I definitely would recommend checking out Canadian Imaging and coming there and checking it out. From what I hear and what I understand, the vibe is kind of similar to Texas school, being like more intimate, being like a closer knit group and stuff like that. So I would definitely check that out or check out Texas school do.

Speaker 2:

Texas school is really amazing. I haven't been in a few years because my schedule that time of year is a little bit crazy. But I have been in the past years ago and Texas school is really amazing if you're looking for something else to go to. However, it's a bit different than a conference in our traditional sense. When you talk about Canadian Imaging or Imaging USA, there's a lot of smaller classes that you can go to and there's a trade show, whereas Texas school you actually are in one class with the same instructor all week long, so you were learning so much from that person and it's really like an in-depth dive into their system and what they do, which is really cool and really unique. And Texas School has an awesome trade show as well, and Texas School happens in Dallas every year. So registration did open at the beginning of January for Texas School, so I think there might still be some classes open for this year. If you want to register, if you want to check out Canadian Imaging and you want to register there, you can use the code CORINDA20 for a special rate when you register for Canadian Imaging.

Speaker 2:

So let me know if any of y'all are planning on heading to Imaging USA this year or Canadian Imaging, so I can make sure I get to meet you in person and shake your hand and see your face or give you a hug, whatever it is that you want to do. Y'all, I have a confession to make right here I am not a hugger. I'm just going to proclaim right now that I am not a hugger. So if you meet me in public, just know I'm not a hugger, but I will hug you if you are a hugger. If you are a hugger and you like to hug, I will hug you right back, and that is fine with me. It's not weird or anything. I'm just not the person that's going to offer a hug unless someone offers it first. My family makes fun of me a little bit about this, because I come from a family of huggers. My mom and sister would hug the wall. If the wall said hi to them, they would hug the wall. And I'm always like I just don't understand why do y'all hug everybody, like that's your go-to thing. So yeah, anyways, I just called myself out about it. Feel free to hug me.

Speaker 2:

People who know that I don't like hugging hug me on purpose because I think it's really funny and it's cool and I don't care.

Speaker 2:

But yes, one of my best friends, her husband, his family all found out this information about me and now every time they see me they love to give me a hug and point out the fact that they know it makes me uncomfortable, but it's cool. I tell them I'm like I know y'all, like it doesn't really make me uncomfortable because I know y'all. So I'm just rambling on now and now I've spilled my secret about how I'm not a hugger. But I do hug. If you're a hugger, so don't be afraid to hug me, and if you know me, I will hug you. That was the weirdest like rant ever, guys. So I'm sorry but I love y'all. Thanks for joining us here. When you see me, run up to me and give me the biggest hug and tell me that you're sorry for the hug and you know that I love hugs, and then I'll know you listened to this episode and you will make me a day and you will make me laugh. Bye, guys.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to support the podcast, please make sure you share it on social media or leave a rating and review. As always, you can check out the links and resources in the show notes over at masteryourmindmoneycom. To catch all the latest from me, you can follow me on Instagram at masteryourmindmoney, and don't forget to join our free Facebook group. Photography Business. Tune Up with Corinne Decay.

Speaker 2:

Thanks, again and.

Speaker 1:

I'll see you next time.