Mindset & Money Mastery for Photographers with Karinda K.

Top 5 Countdown: High End Clients are Not Found- They Are Created

Karinda K.

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Join us as we count down some of our top episodes- as we get ready to start a new season. 

Can you imagine clients eagerly investing thousands in your portrait photography? Today’s episode of Mindset and Money Mastery for Photographers promises to transform the way you think about and approach your portrait photography business. Instead of searching for high-paying portrait clients, we uncover the strategies to create them by normalizing the concept of significant investments in portraits. By educating clients on the exceptional value of your work and overcoming your own money mindset fears, you can open up a world of new opportunities for increased sales and higher client satisfaction.

Our discussion doesn’t stop there. We delve into optimizing pricing structures to support high-value sales ranging from $5,000 to $50,000. Learn from a compelling example of a coaching client who made subtle tweaks to her pricing strategy, resulting in sales that were exponentially higher than her usual transactions. This chapter highlights the potential for revenue growth and reduced client workload, fostering a more profitable business and enhancing your personal income.

Moreover, we emphasize the importance of building deeper client relationships by understanding their true emotional motivations. Mastering the art of selling without feeling like a salesperson is crucial. By shifting from providing digital files to personalized image reveals, you can significantly boost your revenue. Real-life examples provide powerful insights into how small changes can lead to substantial financial gains and greater client satisfaction. Tune in to discover how to create meaningful connections and guide clients smoothly through their investment, ensuring a seamless and profitable sales experience.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Mindset and Money Mastery for Photographers, the podcast. We help overwhelmed photographers make more money while simplifying their business by mastering their you guessed it mindset and money. Tune in each week for practical and actionable tips to take your photography business up a notch. Let's dive right in.

Speaker 2:

Today we're going to dive into this whole idea of how on earth do I find those really high paying portrait clients. You might hear photographers saying they have five or 10 or even 15 and $20,000 sales and you're like that sounds crazy. How is that even possible? So we're going to talk about that idea today of where those clients come from and really the secrets to getting those high paying clients. Now you probably think I'm going to talk about marketing or how to get those people through your door, but in all reality, those people could already be there in your business. They could be the clients that you already have that are maybe just spending a few hundred dollars. You see, the thing is is that you haven't given them the opportunity to spend thousands of dollars in the right way, so you don't know if those people that you already have are willing to pay thousands of dollars for their portraits. High paying clients are not found. They really are created, and there are a number of things that you need to do to make sure that you're creating those clients that are ready and willing to pay thousands of dollars with you in your portrait business, and today we're going to talk about four of those things that you can do today to start to create those high paying portrait clients.

Speaker 2:

The first thing I want to talk about is normalizing the idea of clients investing thousands of dollars on their portrait. You see, if people don't know that it's normal and that everybody spends thousands of dollars on their portraits, then they're probably not going to spend thousands of dollars on their portraits. We have to normalize this in a sense so that our clients think well, this is what everyone does. So I should do this too, and I want to tell you a bit of a story here. I had a client that we were on their reveal and her husband said something like sweetie, we can't, we can't do this every year. We can't spend this much money on our portraits every year. This is more than we normally spend. And she said no, no, no, no, this isn't something we're going to do every year.

Speaker 2:

What Corinda does is different than what those other photographers do. Corinda makes art and we're going to put that out on our walls. And we're going to come back to Corinda. When we have important things in life, like when our daughter graduates or we have a big life event, we're going to come back to Corinda for those important things. Between the times, we'll go back to those other cheap photographers Between the times we'll go back to those other cheap photographers, but they're not the same as Corinda and in that moment it clicked.

Speaker 2:

She knew that it was normal and that people invested thousands of dollars with me. And she knew that what I was doing was different than what those other photographers she had gone to were doing. And she was ready and willing and excited to spend five or 10 times more than what she might've spent in the past with other photographers, because she knew what I was doing was different and she knew that investing thousands of dollars with me was normal. And you know what? Although you might not be there just yet and you might not be at a place where you're convinced that your clients will spend thousands of dollars with you, just know that there are hundreds of thousands of photographers out there in this world, in tiny towns and big cities in different countries in America, in Europe, in Australia that have clients that are investing $5,000, $10,000, $15,000, or even maybe $20,000 or more on their portraits. This is a normal thing that happens in the photography world. And if me saying this to you sounds like absolutely crazy and like insanity, well, I'm here to tell you that it's not. It is normal and it can be normal for you and your business. The first step here is really educating our clients on the fact that it is normal that they're going to spend thousands of dollars on their portraits. In doing so, we also have to share the value of what we create and make sure that they know and feel good about the fact that they're going to spend thousands of dollars with us, which might be more than the person they could go to down the road. You see, that client of mine knew and she felt good about the fact that she was going to spend way more money with me because she knew the value in what I created for her and she was okay with that because I had educated her and I had done my part in normalizing that for my business and my clients.

Speaker 2:

If you're not sitting there and just very bluntly saying to your clients when you first talk to them, yeah, you know what my clients spend on average of five or $6,000 in their portraits, then they're probably never gonna spend five or $6,000 on their portraits. And if you are saying those numbers or you are saying that average but you're not saying big numbers, because they scare you and you're afraid you're gonna scare people off. Let's say you're telling people your clients spend on average of two or $3,000 and that's all they're spending and you're like, but I really want to make five or $6,000 per client. Well then, start telling your clients that your clients, on average, spend that five or $6,000. Simply doing that and saying those words in those numbers opens up a whole new world of opportunity and possibilities for what your clients might invest because you have prepared them for that opportunity.

Speaker 2:

Now, if you're not saying those numbers because you were scared of what clients are going to say or how they're going to react or what's going to happen, then that tells me you have a bit of mindset work to do. That tells me that you need to dig into those money, mindset, fears, those limiting beliefs that surround money in your personal life and in your business. And you need to start to embrace and love the idea and the concept of those clients spending thousands of dollars with you. And you need to be okay with saying those numbers confidently, because you can't say something like my clients spend five or $6,000. No, you have to say my clients spend five or $6,000 on their portraits all the time. It's totally normal. You have to say my clients spend five or six thousand dollars on their portraits all the time. It's totally normal. You have to say it boldly and confidently and be okay with knowing that that exists in your business.

Speaker 2:

The second thing we want to talk about is we have to provide an experience that is worthy of our clients investing thousands of dollars and, to take this a step further, we have to be able to explain this experience to our clients and we have to leave our clients saying, wow, that's all. That's all. You're going to charge me for all of that work you're doing. That's amazing. Of course, I would pay that. It's so worth it. When you initially talk to potential clients and share what your clients invest and you've shared the process with them they should say, wow, that's all. That sounds amazing. Yeah, let's do it.

Speaker 2:

This reaction comes because they realize that you aren't just a photographer. They call you thinking you're just a photographer, and then you get them on the phone and you educate them about all of the amazing things you do for them and how you solve their problems and about the fact that you're going to go above and beyond what they're used to and suddenly they understand why your clients are paying you thousands of dollars and why those other photographers are just charging hundreds of dollars. They start to realize that you're not just a photographer, that you're an interior designer, a stylist, an artist and, lastly, that you're a photographer but really the photography piece of it's tiny, and you know that if you're running a business, you know the amount of time that you actually spend as a photographer, behind your camera, is minuscule. But our clients have this perception that that's all we do, so we have to educate them on the fact that we do a lot of other things for them. When we start to look at high-end businesses, we start to realize that high-end businesses do one thing really, really well they serve their clients and they take care of every single problem or worry that their client could have. Before their client even has time to vocalize those fears or those worries to them, A high-end business steps in and they say, hey, I'm going to take care of A, b, c, d, e, f through Z. They address those fears and worries that are deep rooted inside of their clients, even when our clients don't really know that that's a fear or a worry.

Speaker 2:

When we do this, we're simply taking away all of our clients' excuses not to do their portraits. We're saying don't worry, I know you're going to be concerned about the way you look, without saying that right. So we say I'm going to pose you and guide you and direct about the way you look, without saying that right. So we say I'm going to pose you and guide you and direct you the day of your session so you know exactly what to do. So you look beautiful and stunning. I'm going to dress you and help style you in a way that's going to be flattering for your body and for the look you're going to achieve and for the home decor that you have and what your space looks like, so that when we hang those portraits up in your room, your portraits are going to look stunning in your room and in your space. We're saying to them don't worry, if your dog is an idiot and your dog is crazy, we're still going to be able to do it. I know all the tricks to deal with those crazy dogs and, honestly, it's okay. They can be crazy and wild, we can still create great portraits.

Speaker 2:

We tell the mom whose daughter has a pony not to worry about the fact that her pony has an attitude and might be a little snarky about things and might not love standing still. We tell her not to worry because we're going to take care of that. We're going to guide and direct her daughter and tell her daughter exactly what to do and how to handle her pony. And even if her pony is being a wiggly worm, we are still going to be able to get those portraits that she wants of her daughter and they are still going to look magical. And she's not going to see all the wiggly worries that are happening in that moment. Instead, she's going to see that split second where I grabbed when her pony was still for a tiny little millisecond.

Speaker 2:

We take care of our clients' worries, their fears, any potential thing that they might be using to say I don't know if I'm ready to do the portraits, I don't know what I'm going to wear, I don't know how I'm going to get my kids ready, I don't know how I'm going to bribe my husband to make him be a part of this. We're going to tell them from the get-go, from the very first conversation I got you I'm going to take care of all of these things. Here's how I'm going to serve you and make your life easy. You shouldn't have to lift a finger. In all reality, high-end businesses are really about taking care of all the things, so their clients don't have to. So my question for you is are you taking care of all the things for your clients? Are you removing all of their barriers, all of their worries, all of their fears, all of those frustrations that surround booking their portrait session? Or are you just showing up as a photographer and taking their photos? And, in all reality, part of providing this experience and portraying this experience to our clients is getting to know them. First, we have to get to know them. We have to get to know them as a person, to know who they are, what their needs, what their desires are, and then we can explain to them how we're going to solve their problems and take care of everything for them.

Speaker 2:

The next thing we want to talk about is having pricing that is set up to make those five, 10, or even 15, $20,000 sales a possibility. If you look at your current pricing and business structure, can your clients even spend like $5,000 with you? What about $10,000? What about $15,000?, $20,000? Maybe $30,000? What about $50,000? If you're sitting there thinking there's no way my clients could even get to $5,000 for my business, then your numbers need some work. Your business system needs some work.

Speaker 2:

Now, in saying this, I'll be real honest with you. It doesn't mean that every client has to spend $5,000 or $10,000 or more. You can have budget-friendly options. You can still serve your $1,000 clients, you can serve your $5,000 clients and you can also serve $50,000 clients, all with the same process, system experience. And you can love your $1,000 clients the same that you love your $30,000 clients. But in order to have this, we have to have our pricing set up in a way that gives us this opportunity. Here's the thing Are you even giving your clients the opportunity to spend thousands of dollars, or are you just assuming that they never will, so you're not opening up the door to see if they walk through that door? That could be the case.

Speaker 2:

I have a coaching client that recently joined our program and just last night she sent me a message and she was like Corinda and I was like oh no, what happened? This has to be good, hopefully it's good. And she said I did it. I did my first reveal and they spent $2,900. I didn't prep them, I didn't do anything because I had no idea that this was a possibility. And, honestly, my friend Jamie, who'd been over here telling me that this was a possibility, I thought she was crazy. I know she kept telling me that I could do this and I know she kept saying that I needed you in my life. But I didn't believe her. And when you told me that clients could spend thousands of dollars, I kind of didn't believe you either. But I decided that I would trust and see what happened.

Speaker 2:

So I took my clients that have booked on my pricing. I honored my pricing that I had, but I simply gave her the opportunity to really buy wall art and I helped her. I stepped in and I said let me help you, let me guide you, Let me direct you, let me be of service to you. And they spent $2,900 on their portraits. If I wouldn't have hired you three days ago, if I wouldn't have listened to that advice you gave me when I signed up for the program, if I wouldn't have went in headfirst to this experience and said I'm going to try it and I'm going to see what happens, I would have left that $2,900 on the table right. And that's what it's about. Her clients were spending like $500 or $600 with her before and all of a sudden she just made a very few small subtle changes in the very last minute with this client and said let me help you.

Speaker 2:

And the client was thrilled. And the client was excited to be able to buy wall art. And that's what happens. It happens time and time again. If you're sitting there looking at your price list and you're like, nope, that's not a possibility. They couldn't even spend a few thousand dollars. I mean nonetheless, five or 10 or 20. What would have to happen for your clients right now to spend $5,000? What would they have to buy? If they would have to buy 20 pieces of wall art, then that's going to be hard to do. But if you have your pricing set up correctly and maybe you have one piece of wall art that costs $5,000, then that's going to be a real reality for you and your business soon. If you're sitting there and all of your digital files are priced at like $600 or $1,000 or $1,500, whatever it may be, it might be really hard to sell above that price point. If your most expensive piece of wall art is $500, you're going to have to sell a lot of $500 pieces of art to get to a $5,000 sale. If your album with 30 portraits is only $750, it's going to be real hard to get to those bigger numbers. Plus, if those are your numbers, you're most likely sitting there working for minimum wage or less. You're feeling burnt out, you're feeling frustrated. You're feeling like you're doing so much work and not making any money. You feel like you need 15 or 20 clients a month to make money. As a photographer and in all reality, most of my coaching clients and most photographers that I talk with they really only need around six clients a month, 10 months out of the year, and they need those six clients to spend like four or $5,000 with them. If you had six clients a month, 10 months out of the year that we're spending $5,000, you had six clients a month, 10 months out of the year that we're spending $5,000, that would bring in $300,000 in revenue and if your products are set up profitably and your business is set up the correct way, you can expect to see about 40% of that $300,000 going in your pocket, which means you would be making $120,000 a year from your business by only having six clients a month, 10 months out of the year. If you can get to those $5,000 sales, imagine that. What would that feel like? Those of you that are just sitting out there and you're doing 10 clients a month and you're making $500 from each of those 10 clients. Can you imagine making that same amount of money from one client? What would that feel like? What would that change for you? What would that change for your family, your business, your future, the legacy you get to leave behind? How could you give back? Because you're paid well as a photographer and as an artist?

Speaker 2:

Also, I think that this is a good time to point out that your products need to be priced appropriately. For this to work, they need to be marked up the right way. This means that your cost of goods sold should be somewhere between 15 and 25%, although I actually recommend your cost of goods sold being less than 20%. So what are your products marked up like? If you've doubled the price of your products or even tripled them, that's not enough. Your products should be marked up five times to be at 20% COGS or less. Five times, that means if something costs you $100, you need to be selling it for $500. If you sell that $500 item that costs you $100, right? $100 goes towards the cost of the product, $200 goes in your pocket, another $100 goes towards your expenses in your business and the rest of that's going to go towards taxes and savings. If you haven't listened to the podcast episode called what should my session fee be? Make sure you go back and you listen to that episode. It is a really good episode that breaks down this idea and the percentages of where money goes in your business, which is going to be super helpful, going forward and really starting to understand your numbers and your financials and your business.

Speaker 2:

Let's move on to point number four. In order to sell something and to make money doing this, you have to learn to sell without feeling like a sleazy salesperson. What does this mean? It just means that we have to sell in a way that is not salesy. We don't want our clients to feel like they went to the used car lot and that salesman is trying to get them to walk away with that cary. We don't want our clients to feel like they went to the used car lot and that salesman is trying to get them to walk away with that car that they really don't want. The key to getting to sell without feeling like a salesperson is really preparing our clients for the possibility of spending money with us, educating them on that before they even come through our door. But once they come through our door, continuing that education.

Speaker 2:

We also have to get to know our client's needs and desires and know exactly who they are as a person, what's important to them, what they value and what they really want out of this experience on a deeper level, because your client might come to you and say, I want some pictures of my dog or my horse or my family, but in all reality, what they want is something deeper than that. It's something more than that. It's that they want that portrait to capture the essence of who their teenage daughter is before she leaves and goes off to college. It's because they want that picture of their dog running at them full speed, because one day they know their dog's not going to be there and they know that they want to be able to see that silly face up on their wall and feel that each and every day.

Speaker 2:

Now your client might not be able to put that into words, but once you get to know them and once you ask them about themselves and their life and what's important to them and what they value and really the root of why they're booking this portrait session, you're going to be able to help them stitch together these pieces and create this story and this journey of what they really do truly want to create based on what they value.

Speaker 2:

So it really starts with that. It starts with asking questions and getting to know them what's important to them, what are their needs and what are their desires, and then educating them on how you can serve them and fulfill those needs and desires that they have. Now a lot of it comes down to asking questions, and when I say asking questions, you can be asking all the right questions in all the wrong ways. Asking questions the right way, all the right questions in all the wrong ways, asking questions the right way can be something as simple as a tiny little nuance in the way you're asking the question and, honestly, these tiny little nuances can make a big impact on whether you have a great sale, a mediocre sale or no sale at all.

Speaker 2:

So if you would just ask your client, hey, what do you want to do with your pictures? They're probably going to say I want some for social media. If you say to your client, what do you want to do with your photos? Do you know where you want to display them in your home? They might say I don't know, I hadn't really thought about that. Maybe I should. But if you ask your client that question and then you continue to paint the picture of what that can look like, they're going to fall in love with that idea and they're going to say oh my gosh, yes, that is exactly what I need.

Speaker 2:

I need that picture of my dog on the wall running full speed ahead right at me in my entryway. So I see it every day before I walk out of the house. Or they might say you know what? We do need that big family portrait over our mantle because we don't have anything there. We have a mirror there. Why don't we have a family portrait there? We don't have any family portraits on our walls. Actually, we should have that family portrait of everybody being unique and quirky in themselves and really showing their own personalities over the fireplace, because our family is super cool and quirky and everybody kind of has their own thing they do, and it'd be so cool if we could celebrate that and show every person that comes in our house that feeling of our family being unique and special and quirky.

Speaker 2:

Right, asking the right questions in the wrong way can mean the difference between a great sale and no sale at all. It's also about making 110% sure that they're prepared and ready for the entire experience and for investing in art for their homes. This means we can't just talk about something once or twice or three times. We need to drill this into our clients' heads. We need to be talking about the experience, the investment, the outcome and what that looks like for them 10 times or more in 10 different ways. So have you ever had a client that came through your business and they were like man, really, that's how that works. I wasn't ready for that. Chances are it's because you didn't talk about it 10 times in 10 different ways. That is extremely important and I remember back in the early days of my business when I had clients that would come through and be like wait, I didn't know this worked that way. Wait, I have to buy photos. Wait, I don't get all the digitals or whatever it was and what I started to realize was that the reason that people felt like that was because I hadn't talked to them about it enough. Maybe I'd send an email or a prep guide or a product guide, but they didn't read it, they didn't look through it. I quickly realized that the only way to do this and to prepare people the right way is just to have real, genuine conversations with our clients Looking to create more magic in your business.

Speaker 2:

Make sure you join us over in your Magic Year. Your Magic Year is our new year-long program designed to help give you direction and guidance as you move throughout the next year in your business. Together, we're going to work through quests each and every month. We're going to have a magical training every month to give you guidance and direction, but, most importantly, you're going to be surrounded in a community of people that are also working towards the same goals as yourself, so you don't have to feel alone. Check out the link in the show notes and to do this in a lot of different ways to get them to the end points, so that they feel prepared and they know what to expect. The reason that I say we need to be preparing our clients at least 10 different times in 10 different ways is because if we miss one or two of those points, or if our client's busy or distracted one or two of those times, then at least we know we had some other points in there that hopefully, out of all 10 of these times, one of the times we said it it really sunk into their head and they really started to understand it. So we can't rely on just sending an email. We can't rely on a page on our website to tell them. We can't rely on some information in our contract. No, we need to rely on a ton of high touch person to person interactions with our clients to make sure they're fully educated and prepared. In all reality, selling without feeling like a salesperson is about planting the seeds of the sale and watering them over and over and over again so that when you get to your image reveal after the session takes place, your clients are ready to invest and they know exactly what they want. So you're just helping them finalize their plans by selecting their portraits, deciding what size and what finish.

Speaker 2:

If your client wants an album, they should already know or have an idea that they want an album before they get to that reveal. If your client wants wall art for their living room and their bedroom and their entryway, they should already know that or have an idea of that before they get to their reveal. They should also have an idea of what that looks like investment-wise. They should have an idea that if they buy an album and a piece of wall art, they're going to spend about $4,000 or $5,000. They should know that if they want larger than life portraits of their dog or their horse or their family in multiple rooms of their home, that they might want to spend $10,000. They should know these things because you have educated them on that.

Speaker 2:

And it's a really cool feeling when you get to a reveal and your client is prepared and your client is taking notes through the process and they're sitting down there with their piece of paper and they're like, okay. So when we talked, I remember we talked about this album and I really think I want to do an album and I think I want to do the small one. I might do the big one. Let's just kind of see what we end up with with wall art and stuff. Okay, then I know I'm going to want at least one piece of wall art and probably a canvas, and I know you said that your canvas is around this price point. So I think if we do the album and the canvas around this price point, I'm probably going to spend about this. So that's kind of where I'm thinking I would like to be. Let's just kind of see. And when you get to a reveal and your client straight up is like blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Here's what I have in mind. I know we're going to do this and that you're like yes, I did my job.

Speaker 2:

If you're getting to your reveal after your session, or if you're delivering galleries to your clients, even in your clients are like wait, what I don't just get to download all of these, it's because you haven't prepared them properly. So what I want you to do today is I want you to take these four things and I want you to start to think like man, am I missing out on these four steps? Is this why I don't have clients that are ready and willing to invest thousands of dollars on their portraits? Could those clients be right there in front of me? And I want to tell you another story about a coaching client. This coaching client came to me and she was doing shoot and burn and she was delivering all of her digital files. And she was like you know what? I'm just going to offer this to my clients that booked, getting all their digital files, and say, would you like an image reveal? Would you like some wall art? Would you like an album? And see what happens. And she did In her first client that she offered this experience to that booked, getting all their digital files.

Speaker 2:

She still gave them all their digital files, but she just got on a reveal with them. She helped them narrow down their portraits, pick out their favorites. She talked about wall art. She created wall art mock-ups for them. That client that had already gotten all of their digital files spent $16,000 with her $16,000. They bought multiple pieces of wall art, they bought multiple albums even, and they already had their digital files. They had no idea when they booked that that was a possibility. But as soon as she realized that was a possibility, she opened up the door and she invited them to walk through it and they didn't have to buy anything. There was no forcing, there was no like you have to do this or else no, it was just genuinely a hey, I'm doing this cool new thing. Do you want to be a part of it? Let's do it. And they walked right through the door and they were happy to do so. Consider how much money she would have been leaving on the table if she wouldn't have opened that door.

Speaker 2:

The other coaching client that I told you about that messaged me last night. She made an extra $2,400, let's say, on that client than what she would have made before If she would have just stuck with what she was doing in the past. Now let's consider this. Let's consider that photographer has, oh, let's say, eight clients a month and she's making an extra $2,500 per client. That's an extra what? $10,000. Is that right? Yeah, that's an extra $10,000 that she's going to put in her pocket each month. That's an extra $10,000 that she's going to put in her pocket each month just from making a very subtle change in what she was doing, just from deciding she was going to put herself on the line and she was going to do the scary thing. And she did it, and she knew that other people were doing this for months, but she decided to wait. And when she finally decided that she wasn't going to wait anymore, everything changed.

Speaker 2:

So, regardless of where you're at, when you're listening to this right now, whether you are a brand new business owner, whether you are making a few hundred dollars from your clients and providing all the digital files, whether you're new in your journey to in-person sales and you're already doing image reveals, just know that all of these things are incredibly important for you. Regardless of where you're at, these things and these four points that I laid out today will make you hundreds of thousands of dollars in the next few years If you learn to use them and you really lean into these things. I can guarantee you guys, the reason that I'm on here doing this podcast, the reason that I'm on here sharing these things, the reason I have a Facebook group where I pour into people that haven't paid me a dime, is because I want to see all of y'all making money. I want to see all of y'all be wildly successful. I want to see y'all pop into my DMs and be like oh my gosh, karinda, I listened to a podcast episode and I had a $2,500 sale and I had only made a few hundred dollars before today. I want to hear those stories and I want to see you be successful and I want to be there to cheer you on.

Speaker 2:

So please know that if you're going through this journey and you're listening to these episodes and you're like, oh my gosh, this is crazy, but like man, that would be cool, know that you're not alone. Know that there's a community for people just like you. Know that we have a private Facebook group for our followers. It's Photography Business, tune Up with Corinna Kay. If you have not joined, make sure you go join us over there, because there are so many other people out there that are going through this journey with you and, honestly, I don't want you to feel alone. Send me a message, tell me you've listened to the podcast. I don't want you to feel alone, you know. Send me a message, tell me you've listened to the podcast, share what you're learning. I'm here to chat with you as well. Also, I do diagnostic calls with people all the time.

Speaker 2:

I am happy to hop on a call with you, chat about your business, see where you're at and help create a game plan or a strategy to move you forward in your business, whether there is some sort of blog, podcast episode or other resource I can send you to, or it's like you know what? Our program is perfect for you. Our coaching program really truly is built in a way that, regardless of what phase you're at, we have something for you. Whether you already have $2,500 sales and you want to get to $5,000 sales, or even if you're only charging $200 right now and you're giving away all those digital files, we have a place for you to grow and to learn and to expand and to start to make more money as a photographer. Thank you for spending your time here with us.

Speaker 2:

I hope that this episode has been super helpful for you and I cannot wait to hear how you start to implement these four things of normalizing the idea of clients investing thousands of dollars on portraits, providing that experience that is worthy of clients spending thousands of dollars with you, so that when you tell them how much your clients spend, they're going to say, wow, that's all.

Speaker 2:

Having your pricing set up so that it makes these five, 10, 15 or $20,000 sales a possibility, makes these five, 10, 15, or $20,000 sales a possibility. And, lastly, that you can learn how to sail without feeling like a sleazy salesperson or like feeling like you have to use high pressure sales techniques and negotiations because you don't. These four things are going to make a huge difference in your life and I cannot wait to hear how you're feeling after listening to this episode. Send us a DM at masteryourmindmoney and let us know how you're feeling after listening to this episode. Send us a DM at master your mind money and let us know how you're feeling about this episode and what things you're going to do today to start implementing these four things in your business.

Speaker 1:

Thank you so much for listening. If you enjoyed this episode and you'd like to support the podcast, please make sure you share it on social media or leave a rating and review. As always, you can check out the links and resources in the show notes over at masteryourmindmoneycom. To catch all the latest from me, you can follow me on Instagram at masteryourmindmoney and don't forget to join our free Facebook group Photography Business Tune-Up with Karinda Kay. Thanks again and I'll see you next time.